The small habits we pick up and add into our daily routine have the biggest impact on our overall wellbeing
Throughout my hormone health certification and even my own personal journey with PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) , I was constantly reminded of the important role good quality sleep plays in our overall wellbeing. How we wake up after a good nights sleep determines how we show up in our day. Morning routines don’t have to be extravagant , they can start small and can be build upon but the most important thing is to start somewhere.
Over the years I have come to understand that being kind to yourself and taking some time in the morning isn’t just about what you eat or drink but its about setting and building small positive habits from the minute you wake up. For the longest time I would wake up, reach for my phone and end up reading something that would define the mood for the rest of my day. Now I go to bed and wake up to my phone being charged in a different corner of the room, which on most days I won’t check until at least an hour of being awake. Best decision ever.
I also understand that meditation isn’t for everyone and that’s ok, every individual also has their own way of meditating. One of my clients wakes up, takes her hot lemon water, sits in her garden and just has 15 minutes of quiet to herself before she picks her phone up and officially begins her day. Thats her morning routine, simple and suited to her needs.
You can incorporate as little or as much as you would like, what’s important is that you take the time each morning to have some time for yourself by yourself. Clients that are mothers, business owners, or just busy individuals always say that they find it impossible to take the time out in the morning, so what do you do? Wake up a little early, maybe don’t take 15 minutes, just take 5 minutes, sometimes it wont be first thing in the morning but when you settle your children down or when you get to your desk at work.
Another important realisation I have come to over time, is that taking good care of yourself allows you to take better care of those around you. It is all a chain effect.
I always remind my clients that signing up for holistic life coaching is the easy part, it’s the commitment you make to yourself and the habits you create and follow through with, that is the hard part. It definitely takes time but once you settle in to a comfortable routine and see the impact it has on your day, things seem to just fall into place.
So don’t get overwhelmed and don’t start comparing yourself to others. Build a morning routine that is suited to you. Make that start and just keep adding things that feel right, simple practices that give you a happy heart and peace of mind. Then see the impact this has on your day to day life and overall wellbeing.
Here are some of the things I like to incorporate into my morning routine, some I stick to every day and others I change up depending on how much time I have and what I feel like when I wake up that morning:
- Dry Brushing
- 10 minute quick yoga or morning stretch
- Soaking up some sunshine in the garden
- Having my hot water with lemon and just taking a moment to be Morning swim
- Journalling
- Listening to podcast
- Morning Walk
Follow Sara on IG: @sarababar